Saturday 11 April 2009

Deepening the Trance State

Following the induction (Part.2.1) we deepen and intensify the experience of the trance state. This should help the Client when they practice at home, but is not absolutely necessary because good results can come from a relatively light trance in many cases, where the client has assimilated the practitioners suggestions easily (e.g. non-smoking scripts).

Deepening of trance causes fuller dissociation (Yapko) which may help deeper post-hypnotic suggestions become more effective and  longer lasting; e.g. the Ego Strengthening Script, or interventions based on R.E.B.T. or C.B.T. (if the practitioner is qualified) .

The "Stairs (or elevator)" method can be used here (see Part.2.1), where each step down is imagined to be into a deeper state. 

For example ... 

"I wonder if you can imagine yourself standing a the top of the stairs of relaxation, as you take the first step down the stairs of relaxation you can step down into a deeper state of comfort" (Yapko).

Clearly we can avoid the elevator metaphor if the client has a fear of closed spaces.

Chaining and Compounding suggestions are important deepening techniques (See Part.1.3) because they build new responses onto the foundation of the ongoing relaxation response.  Some therapists introduce a physical experience, such as lowering the clients hand, to reinforce a sinking feeling.

A suggestion that the client enjoys a few precious moments of deeper silence and relaxation can be very effective, since the client has relaxed even from the process of "being hypnotised". It is a good idea to arrange to give the client a signal which indicates when it is time to proceed.

It is good practice to give the client  a posthypnotic suggestion that the next time they enter trance they will find it much easier to go deeper.  We can also use this suggestion to re-enter a deeper trance later in the same session.

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